Bloom & Explore

Varda Singh
6 min readDec 1, 2023

“Unveiling Possibilities, Embracing Passions”

Warning: Curiosity may be sparked, passions might ignite, and new realms of exploration await. Enter at your own risk, as the ordinary is left behind!


Embracing the unfamiliar has been my mantra — a belief that attempting is as crucial as succeeding. Let me take you on a whimsical journey where trial and error became my muse.

There were moments of self-deprecation — me, capturing videos and photos, often with plants, finding humour in my supposed folly. Little did I know, these seemingly trivial acts held profound meaning.

I’m far from an authority, yet each experience taught me a bit more. The happiness derived from those endeavours then still resonates now. This prompted me to delve into writing about plants, aiming to distil the vast knowledge acquired from the internet and the brilliant minds surrounding me. While I’ve salvaged a handful of visuals, some are lost to time. Nevertheless, I hope this mosaic offers a glimpse into my ever-evolving journey.

→ Growing lotus

Growing a lotus proved to be relatively simple until it reached its almost mature phase. With the onset of the rainy season came an unexpected challenge — standing water becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes to lay their larvae on the water’s surface. In an attempt to address this issue, I contemplated adding a layer of a specific oil. However, I hesitated, not wanting to compromise the optimal conditions necessary for the lotus to reach its final stage of growth. Ultimately, regrettably, I made the decision to relocate it to a nearby waterbody and not end up killing it.

What went wrong?

  • In standing water, this is a problem. So, to tackle this you can bring in small fishes to prevent this.

→ Growing Coconut

Midst a refreshing sip of coconut water, an idea sparked — why not grow one myself? While most opt for the brown, furry coconut, I ventured with the green one. Intrigued, I sealed the coconut in an airtight plastic bag, half-submerged in water, and tucked it away in a dark corner of my home for a week.

The outcome? Well, it’s captured in the photo.

What went wrong?

  • Lack of air circulation, overwatering and sunlight.

→ Making Organic compost

Experimenting with creating my own compost was a spontaneous choice, an intriguing journey of patience and discovery. Following online instructions meticulously, one unique method stood out, resulting in the creation of my natural fertilizer amidst the composting process. The experience was unexpectedly enjoyable — a blend of learning and fun. I encourage you to embark on this endeavour too. The joy of crafting something so beneficial from scratch is truly worth the effort.

What went wrong?

  • Increased humidity more than needed
  • Aeration, not giving it a mix properly once a week.
  • Avoid adding lemons, chillies that would reduce rate of decomposition and some substances that take more time to decompose in the period of 2- 3 months.
Liquid obtained from the compost
Reusing a Earthen drinking water pot for compost

→ Trying my hand on Hydroponics:

The hydroponics kit arrived as a special birthday present from my father, sparking immense excitement that very morning. Eagerly, my brother and I delved into its contents, meticulously examining each item and assembling everything together. Among the assortment were basil seeds, clay pots, soil, and more — a collection promising endless possibilities.

The process was a joyous adventure, although regrettably, I’ve lost the related pictures. Nevertheless, I plan to document and share this kit’s journey soon. With a newfound understanding, I aim to operate it more adeptly this time around.

You’ll notice in the images I’ll share, I experimented with tissue — my attempt at growing without traditional soil. I placed the seeds amidst layers of tissue, covering them before witnessing the marvel of germination in a soil-less environment. This fascinating process unfolded within few days.

Afterwards, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in a collaborative webinar between Amhydro Hydroponics, led by Joe Swartz, and Brio Hydroponics, helmed by Amit Kumar Verma. Initially, I logged in with questions posted on the Amhydro page and seamlessly transitioned to the Brio Hydroponics platform to join the webinar. The registration required a nominal fee of 1 rupee or 1 dollar based on your location. This engaging event occurred in the early part of the preceding year during the evening hours, attracting approximately 50 participants.

The webinar was an enlightening experience filled with insightful discussions and learning opportunities. It was fascinating to delve into new concepts, notably the NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) based hydroponics, which was a novel technique for me. The exchange of ideas, questions, and the wealth of knowledge shared among the participants made it an enriching experience that broadened my understanding of hydroponics.

→ Little more:

Growing potato in a pot

At my old place, there wasn’t much open ground for planting. So, I made do with pots. Those containers were my garden canvas. In the video, you’ll see how I turned small spaces into thriving plant havens. It’s a story of making the most out of limited room and finding beauty in every pot.

Finally, I may not know how many will resonate with this message, but here’s a thought: seek out where sheer joy resides. For me, it’s amidst the greenery, tangled among the leaves and roots. What about you? Find that place where time ceases to matter, where minutes blend into moments effortlessly. You’ve got this.

Wishing you the best of luck on your journey of self-discovery.

As this year draws to a close, it’s the finale for plant-centric content in 2023. Stay tuned for more green adventures in the upcoming year… Stay connected and keep exploring.

Image credits: (*)


In this text, the author shares their experiences with embracing curiosity and exploring new passions, specifically with plants. They document their journey of growing lotus, coconut, making organic compost, and trying hydroponics. Through trial and error, they have learned valuable lessons and encourage others to seek out activities that bring them joy. The author plans to continue sharing plant-centric content in the upcoming year.



Varda Singh

I am a nature-lover, and a student. I’m learning about beneficial uses of plants for sustainable ecological growth.