“Weeds: The Weirdos”

Varda Singh
10 min readMar 27, 2024


The Battle Against Nature’s toughest intruders


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Ah, the age-old debate: are weeds merely garden nuisances or do they hold hidden treasures? Let’s embark on a fascinating journey into the world of weeds, shall we? Yes, they may seem like unwanted intruders in our gardens, but let’s not overlook the potential wonders they possess. After all, weeds are still plants, just misunderstood ones. Together, let’s unravel its various characteristics. So, let’s delve into this intriguing discussion, peel back the layers of misconception, and discover the untold stories of these resilient green invaders. Who knows? We might just find a newfound appreciation for these tenacious botanical rebels.


The term “weed” typically refers to any plant that grows where it is not wanted or desired, especially in agricultural or gardening contexts. Weeds often compete with cultivated plants for resources such as water, sunlight, and nutrients, and can negatively impact crop yields or the aesthetic appearance of a garden or landscape. They are generally considered undesirable in the context where they are growing. Additionally, the prevalence of specific weeds can vary depending on geographic location, climate, soil conditions, and other factors.


  • Adaptability: Weeds typically thrive in various environmental conditions, displaying adaptability to different climates, soils, and habitats.
  • Rapid Growth: Weeds often grow quickly, outcompeting desired plants for resources such as sunlight, water, and nutrients.
  • High Reproductive Rate: They reproduce prolifically through methods like seed dispersal, allowing them to spread rapidly.
  • Competitive Advantage: Weeds possess mechanisms to outcompete cultivated plants, such as allelopathy or aggressive root systems.
  • Persistence: Weeds often exhibit resilience against control measures, persisting despite efforts to eradicate them.


There are thousands of species of weeds worldwide, its surely not possible to cover them all but few examples of some common types of weeds found in various regions:

🌿Broadleaf Weeds: These are plants with broad leaves and often produce colourful flowers. Examples include dandelions and plantains. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)


🌿Grassy Weeds: These weeds resemble grasses and often spread through underground rhizomes or above-ground runners. Examples include crabgrass and annual bluegrass.

Annual bluegrass

🌿Sedge Weeds: These are grass-like plants that typically grow in wet or marshy areas. Examples include yellow nutsedge and purple nutsedge.

Yellow nutsedge
Purple nutsedge

🌿Perennial Weeds: These weeds live for multiple years and can be particularly difficult to control. They often have extensive root systems. Examples include bindweed and quack grass.

Quack grass

🌿Annual Weeds: These weeds complete their life cycle within a year, typically sprouting, flowering, and producing seeds within a single growing season. Examples include common chickweed and annual bluegrass.

Common chickweed
Annual bluegrass


Plants about to get weed attack in 3..2..1

Effective weed management strategies often involve a combination of cultural practices, mechanical control methods, and, in some cases, herbicide applications tailored to the specific weed species and situation. Controlling weeds often involves methods such as manual removal, mulching, herbicide application, or cultivation techniques.

Ancient Methods of Weed Control:

  • Manual Removal: One of the earliest known methods was hand-weeding, which involved physically pulling out or cutting weeds with tools like hoes and knives.
Manual removal
  • Cultural Practices: Ancient farmers employed cultural methods such as crop rotation, where different crops were planted in succession to disrupt weed growth cycles.
Crop rotation
  • Tillage: Ploughing and cultivation were common practices to uproot weeds and expose them to sunlight, hindering their growth.
  • Mulching: Smothering weeds with organic mulch materials like straw or leaves helped suppress weed growth by blocking sunlight and hindering seed germination.
  • Burning: Controlled burning of fields was utilized to eliminate weeds and weed seeds, as well as to enrich the soil with nutrients from the ash.
  • Flooding: In some agricultural systems, flooding fields with water was employed to drown weeds and disrupt their growth.

These ancient methods formed the foundation of weed control practices and were essential for early agricultural societies to manage weed infestations and ensure successful crop management.


Weeds, often perceived negatively, possess several beneficial attributes often overlooked. Some weeds, like dandelion and chamomile, boast medicinal properties used in traditional medicine for various health purposes. Additionally, weeds can indicate soil health and contribute to soil fertility by breaking up compacted soil and enhancing nutrient availability. They serve as crucial habitats for wildlife, providing food and shelter, thus promoting biodiversity and supporting pollinators like bees and butterflies. Moreover, weeds serve as indicators of environmental conditions, reflecting soil moisture, pH levels, and nutrient availability. Despite their reputation, weeds play a vital role in ecosystems, offering valuable contributions that underline the intricate relationship between plants and their environment.

Are hemp seeds legal worldwide?

  • It’s a common misconception that Cannabis sativa is solely associated with negative purposes like drug use. However, this belief overlooks its diverse applications beyond recreational or illicit use. Cannabis sativa has been utilized for centuries for various beneficial purposes, including medicinal, industrial, and religious uses. In many cultures, it holds significant religious and spiritual importance. Moreover, hemp, a variety of Cannabis sativa, has industrial applications ranging from textiles to biofuel. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of Cannabis sativa helps dispel the misconception that it is inherently bad.
  • Hemp seeds are generally legal in many parts of the world, including India. However, it’s essential to note that the legality of hemp seeds can vary from one country to another and may depend on factors such as the THC content (a type of medicinal compound) of the seeds and the intended use.
Hemp seeds (Scientific name: Cannabis sativa)
  • In India, hemp cultivation and the sale of hemp products, including hemp seeds, are regulated under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. While the NDPS Act prohibits the cultivation of cannabis plants containing high levels of THC, it allows for the cultivation of industrial hemp with low THC content (less than 0.3% THC). While the flowering and fruiting tops of the hemp plant remain banned under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, the leaves, seeds, and stalks are exempt. Hemp seeds are widely used in various food products and are legally available in India for consumption and industrial purposes as long as they comply with the regulatory framework regarding THC content.
  • It’s crucial to research and understand the specific laws and regulations regarding hemp seeds in your jurisdiction before purchasing or using them to ensure compliance with local regulations.


Weeds typically exhibit rapid growth and aggressive spreading, often dominating areas without intentional planting. Look for distinct leaf shapes and arrangements, such as deeply lobed or serrated edges, which are common among weeds. Pay attention to flowers and seeds, as weeds tend to produce prolific amounts, contributing to their invasive nature. Consider contextual clues, like plants growing in undesirable locations or monocultures devoid of desirable plants. Utilize identification resources such as online guides or apps to compare plant features with known weed species for accurate identification. By carefully observing these characteristics, one can effectively discern whether a particular plant is a weed.

Some pictures of weeds growing in my locality:

They’re like the persistent guests who just won’t take the hint to leave the party. While some weeds are mere nuisances, others, like the dreaded parthenium grass, can unleash a wave of allergies and discomfort. It’s enough to make any plant enthusiast feel a twinge of guilt seeing their beloved greens surrounded by these unwelcome intruders. But fear not, fellow gardeners! Just have a regular check : a bit of plucking and weeding whenever the opportunity arises. So, why not join me in this noble crusade against the weeds?


(This link discusses India’s potential in the hemp industry, highlighting its natural advantage and opportunities in the global market.)

(This link provides a recipe for Bhaang (Hemp Seeds) Chutney and discusses some facts about hemp seeds.)

(This link discusses the historical and contemporary perspectives on weed control methods.)

(This link discusses weed control methods in forage crop production.)

(This link leads to the Wikipedia page on weed control, providing general information about pest control methods targeting weeds.)

(This link provides information on common weeds and how to control them, with photos included.)

(This link provides common and scientific names of weeds, particularly focusing on walnut cultivation.)

(This link offers information on common garden weeds and their identification with photographs.)

(This link discusses marijuana myths and facts, providing insights from an addiction psychiatrist.)





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Weeds are plants that grow where they are not wanted and can harm other plants. They are adaptable, grow quickly, reproduce rapidly, and are difficult to control. There are thousands of species of weeds, and controlling them often involves manual removal, mulching, or using herbicides. Weeds have benefits such as medicinal properties, contributing to soil health and biodiversity, and can indicate environmental conditions. Cannabis sativa, often known as marijuana, has many other beneficial uses beyond drug use.



Varda Singh

With a keen interest in all things green, I love to share insights and stories about the plants that brighten our lives. Join me as we enter the plant world.